Work/Play Environment
Outdoor recreation and sustainability programs are a significant pillar at Zero Day. We annually maintain an average of 1000 acres, comprised of leases and property we own. Revenue from our contracts and services coupled with foundation support funds the continual wildlife habitat work, native plant reestablishment, forestry, and outdoor programming, that in turn serves as recreation, camaraderie, therapy, and puts food on the tables of hundreds of Veteran families, while demonstrating best practices in conservation and land stewardship ​
As formal apprenticeships were developed at Zero Day, unique employment partnerships evolved. A Michigan DNR program for improving wildlife habitat provided work experience to Veterans exploring their options. During their apprenticeships, experiences ranged from agriculture practices, wildlife surveys, land nav/gps, infrastructure, and significant improvements for outdoor recreation, especially for those with physical limitations ​
In 2018, Zero Day continued its practice of taking on blight property challenges, to create job opportunities and training. This project creates recreation facilities and a skill center doubling as Team Rubicon disaster management training and credentialing​
Zero Day defines community revitalization in numerous ways. Our outdoor community consists of habitat, wildlife, agriculture, Veterans seeking outdoor sports, and doing our part to support outdoor recreation heritage.